The Nanoscope!
"Oh, so yer lookin' for B-Movie and MST3K-related sites on the net, are ya? Well, here's a list to some of the best ones around--both official and non-official pages! Just click on one 'a these suckers an' we'll have ya there...(-zip!-)!"

The Astounding B-MONSTER!: The B-movie site everyone wants to be when they grow up! Highly recommended!

The Sci-Fi Channel's DOMINION: Here's where the official MST3K website is located! It's all here--episode guides, free downloads, and especially CAPTION THIS!...the most fun you can have with your clothes on! Tell 'em Widget sent ya!

Rhino Home Video: These fine folks sell pre-recorded tapes of classic MST3K well as some of the neatest CDs and cassettes around. Check 'em out!

Satellite News: The on-line newspage of the MST3K Information Club. Constantly updated and factual...and approved by Best Brains, so you know it's good! So go there, already!

Web Site Number 9: the one and only home of Mystery Usenet Theater 3000! That's where you'll find the worst of the net--fanfics, spammings, you name it--given that spicy MST3K flavor! It's where you'll also find my MiSTing of "Zorkollabond!"--just look under the "D&D" section!

Sinister Cinema: Quite possibly the best provider of B-movie videos on the planet! Ask for their catalog!
Finally, here are the web-pages of some of my buddies on CAPTION THIS! Visit them! Go to their caption galleries! Sign their guestbooks! Just don't you forget to tell 'em that Widget sent ya!

Buck-Fifty Cave Dweller Chebwa DanZero Enapov Gnasche

Elvira, Mistress of the Dark: her official website!

TNT's MONSTERVISION with Joe Bob Briggs

"Gamera is friend to all children!" Clilck him to take you home!"