Welcome, weary victim--um, VISITOR--to PUMA'S GRAVEYARD OF MOVIES, the final resting-place on the net for some of the strangest, goofiest movies ever made! Like the new digs, by the way? Cool--Jeff'd have one heckuva hissy-fit if ya didn't! See, he got all huffy about what GeoCities has been doing lately, and so he not only pulled his WIDGETWORLD site off GeoCities, but mine too! When he gets on one of these self-righteous kicks (shudder!!)...LOOK OUT!
The Graveyard of Movies still looks a little underpopulated, but don't worry none...we're working on it! We got reviews of "She Demons" and "Infra-Man" in the works, so check back in our B-movie boneyard! Please! Otherwise, Jeff withdraws my Fancy Feast...and you wouldn't wanna see that, would ya?
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