Hey, everyone! What's goin' on? Well, I just went to the vet and had my shots...y'know, rabies, distemper, that sorta thing...and boy, was it ever painful! But believe you me, getting a rabies shot is a sheer cakewalk compared to this next piece of celluloid slop-a-roo! It's just too bad no one's ever come up with a vaccine for She Demons!
Welcome, gentle reader, to yet another classic sucky movie from the golden year of 1958! Looking back on what we've examined so far, I seem to have devoted a lot of bandwidth to movies from the period of 1958-'62, and some rather horrid ones at that. Nothing particularly wrong with that...in my opinion, that period marked the beginnings of what one could call the Golden Age of the Really Awful Genre Movie. And so it is that we examine one of the definative Really Awful Genre Movies...Richard Cunha's Z-movie "epic" She Demons.
"Yeah! Your career'll soon be over after being in this loser-fest, Bratwurst-boy! Hah!"
Soon, Osler reveals to our luckless trio of castaways thathe's one of the most wanted Nazi war-criminals (how did he know this bit of information? By watching "Nuremburg's Most Wanted", perhaps?),and that during World War II he was conducting experiments on skin regeneration. His wife Mona, you see, got her face messed-up real bad during a lab accident, and he's been drawing out what he calls "Character X" from the native women on the island. Allegedly, Character X determines personal appearance, and the amount of the stuff he's already pumped into his wife's veins is only temporary in its effects. He's also drained Character X from certain animals to the native donors, and that's what's turned these gals into She-Demons. After a while, their own appearance returns, but they each retain the mind of a beast...or something (I don't write this stuff, folks--I just review it).
"Please, oh pleeeease tell me this is the end of this festering stinkburger!!!"